Tuesday, May 23, 2006



美國高科技天然植物萃取 簡單、安全及快速見效。高科技細胞活化護理產品已經誕生了。

DR's Secret 讓您的肌膚白裡透紅。

DR's Secret 的配方提供「真皮革命」解決「所有皮膚問題」。  

使用DR's Secret 不僅不須卸妝、去角質、敷臉。到名牌專櫃也找不到這麼好的護理產品。


DR's Secret. Visit http://www.drsecret2u.com/


Benefits of DR's Secret

You can become natural beauty with DR's Secret!

I have summarize the key benefits you can see with DR's Secret

The following are the benefits:
1. Remove makeup and other impurities
2. Remove dead skin cells
3. Control melanin production, leaving your skin with an even and light tone.
4. Progressively lighten freckles, age spots and other pigmentation.
5. Lighten your skin tone.
6. Promote cell metabolism, thereby speeding up removal of dead unhealthy skin cells while accelerating the growth of healthy new cells. Slight exfoliation will be seen after use.
7. Form new blood vessels to distribute nutrients and oxygen to the skin cells, giving your skin a pinkish glow.
8. Stimulate production of collagen, thus reviving skin's elasticity and firmness and removing wrinkles.
9. Provide skin protection against the damaging effects caused by sun's UVA/UVB rays.
10. Can be used as makeup base.
11. Formulated with anti-oxidants to prevent premature aging.

Your skin worth a lots more. Take care of you skin.

Together with DR's Secret, you can be a natural beauty, we make your dream come true ;-)

DR's Secret. Visit http://www.drsecret2u.com/

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